Wednesday, March 18, 2015


I'm not going to lie, sometimes things can overwhelm me. And when that is the case I tend to turn on Netflix and tune out the world outside of my apartment. But does that ever really help? Not really. Don't get me wrong, I'm in no way shape or form going to swear off Netflix, I'm not crazy! I'm just taking a half hour break to reflect on something I saw yesterday that i thought was really beautiful.

Last year I started watching Dancing With the Stars. I loved the grace and energy it communicates as a show and even more than that I loved to watch my baby dance along. Yes at a very young age my DS will dance whenever he hears music. It's one of my biggest sources of joy. We've been impatiently waiting for season 20 and it's finally here folks!

Everyone's dances I thought were very impressive for the first night but the one that really made an impression was Noah Galloway and Sharna Burgess. If you don't watch the show here's a little background. Noah Galloway is a veteran who lost his left arm and leg in active duty. That's right, one arm, one leg, and he had the most beautiful dance of the night no question.

It wasn't just an impressive dance considering his injuries, ladies and gentlemen it was an impressive dance. I'm looking forward to seeing more of what he and Sharna do together.  

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