So after a hiatus from posting I'm back with so much to say and so much to share. I just spent a month in beautiful NE visiting family. Lovely visit but busy from morning to night, which is the main reason I haven't been posting on facebook. But now that I am back in the heat and we are closed up in our cube of air conditioning I'm finding I have time to write again (yay!).
And it's a good thing too because there is something sweeping the internet and I want to talk about it. A group of very strong and beautiful women have been making videos of themselves to Rachel Platten's Fight Song coming forward as survivors of sexual abuse. Let me tell you, every single one of these videos makes me cry, I'm tearing up just thinking about them. But I want to say something to these women.
You are beautiful
You are strong
You are brave
I'm here to voice my support to you.
And now a message to everyone who has been sexually abused and have not come forward.
You are beautiful
You are strong
You are brave
I'm here to voice my support to you.